
Doug Lefebvre

“Don't expect to plug into your dream role from the start. Get your foot in the door, you may find different avenues and gigs that suit your skills or interests more, once you've peeked behind the curtain, so to speak. Work harder than everyone else.”

What is your current position on tours/ events?

Merchandise Director

How long have you been in the industry? What was your first job in the industry?

15 Years. My first job was as an intern at a record store and record label in Minneapolis

What inspired you to pursue a career in production, and how did you get started in your specific field?

Nothing specifically inspired me, a degree in Graphic Design mixed with years of buying obscure band merch, led to interest in the field. An internship blossomed into touring opportunities.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face on a day-to-day basis, and how do you navigate these challenges effectively?

The ever-changing aspect of venue differences. Loading dock space, advance communication, production timelines, shipping windows, etc. To navigate effectively is to remain flexible, and be able to think quickly in the moment. There is a finite amount of time to get ready for showtime, use that all wisely.

How do you handle the demands of touring with the needs to maintain a healthy work-life balance, and what strategies do you use to manage the stress of the job?

I've always had a high work ethic, touring demands can become heavy, but the pride for the job outweighs the physical tolls. To manage stress, laughter and good food can work wonders.

What are some of the most memorable experiences you’ve had working in the industry, and how have these experiences influenced your approach to your work?

World tours, seeing the pure global appeal of music, regardless of language. Feeling MSG floor bouncing during “New Magic Wand.” [by Tyler, The Creator]

What role do technology and innovation play in your specific role, and how have these

Technology is one of the main tenets of merchandise operations. Hundreds of thousands of units and millions of dollars moving around, in different currencies and countries, [the] need to have up-to-date oversight and analytics. Cloud-based, multi-user data sets and systems, have added the ability to have multiple sets of eyes on constantly changing product quantities and warehouse locations.

In your opinion, how will technology shape the industry in the future?

Further pushing analytics and operations, to reduce overhead and dead product, will always be the goal, and tech/innovation will continue to push that forward, with the right users.

What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a career in Live Entertainment, and what qualities do you think are essential for success in the industry?

Don't expect to plug into your dream role from the start. Get your foot in the door, you may find different avenues and gigs that suit your skills or interests more, once you've peeked behind the curtain, so to speak. Work harder than everyone else.