Meet The Crew

  • Danny Badorine


    Monitor Engineer for Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold

    “Always stay focused on building and maintaining positive relationships with people. The companies, owners, and even the artists don’t matter as much as the relationships that you build. Treat everyone well because you never know who will be hiring you some day. Stay focused on networking with people who work hard and who you enjoy working with.”

  • Jeremy Ogletree


    Front of House Audio Engineer

    “My most memorable experiences are the ones where I have failed and/or struggled. Understanding how and where I went wrong and knowing how to avoid those mistakes in the future influence my approach.“

  • David Vega


    Video Engineer

    ”Study your elders [in the industry], and see how they handle situations. Learn as much as you can on your own time. Know that you are capable.”

  • Caleb James


    Monitor Engineer

    ”90% of the gig is having a great attitude and being easy to work with. The other 10% should be to completely master your craft whatever that might be. This is a small community and bad news travels way faster the any good. Your reputation is everything.”

  • Jason Glass


    RF Coordinator

    ”There is no denying the strengthening power of loving and being loved, even at long distance, so maintaining relationships both inside and outside our touring community is crucial.”

  • Doug Lefebvre


    Merchandise Director

    “Don't expect to plug into your dream role from the start. Get your foot in the door, you may find different avenues and gigs that suit your skills or interests more, once you've peeked behind the curtain, so to speak. Work harder than everyone else.”

  • Paul Klimson


    Monitor Engineer

    “Having a finely tuned relationship with my spouse has kept me grounded for the last twenty years. It's not always perfect, but we intentionally come back to the campfire daily to work on all aspects of life. At the end of the day, the buses will stop and we need to have purpose and a home to come back to. “