
Jeremy Ogletree

“My most memorable experiences are the ones where I have failed and/or struggled. Understanding how and where I went wrong and knowing how to avoid those mistakes in the future influence my approach.”

What is your current position on tours/events?

Front of House Audio Engineer

How long have you been in the industry? What was your first job in the industry?

I’ve been touring off and on since 2011. I’ve been in the music industry since 2005. My first industry job was as a DJ.

What inspired you to pursue a career in production, and how did you get started in your specific field?

I always had an interest in sound and music which led to saxophone and DJing. I got started in production in 2010 doing hotel AV.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face on a day-to-day basis, and how do you navigate these challenges effectively?

My biggest challenges are lack of communication and having too many cooks in the kitchen. I navigate this by doing my best to be as prepared as possible and by considering all possible outcomes.

How do you handle the demands of touring with the need to maintain a healthy work life balance, and what strategies do you use to manage the stress of the job?

I try to exercise consistently and sleep on off days. I’ve had some off days where I don’t get out of bed. To manage job stress, I stay focused on what I can control and let the universe handle the things that I cannot control.

What are some of the most memorable experiences you’ve had working in the industry, and how have these experiences influenced your approach to your work?

My most memorable experiences are the ones where I have failed and/or struggled. Understanding how and where I went wrong and knowing how to avoid those mistakes in the future influence my approach.

What role do technology and innovation play in your specific role, and how have these elements evolved?

Technically creative is how I like to refer to my job. Technology, when it works, is a great thing. Being able to walk around a venue with an ipad and dial in my mix or being able to recall my exact mix from the night before. I love it. I always wonder how engineers pulled off festivals on analog consoles.

In your opinion, how will technology and innovation shape the industry in the future?

I honestly don't know, but I do know things are getting very interesting, especially with the advent and improvements in AI. (Artificial Intelligence)

What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a career in Live Entertainment, and what qualities do you think are essential for success in the industry?

The advice I would give is the rule of the 5 P’s – Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. The qualities that are essential are: being flexible and understanding it’s live and things will happen, but if you do it right, you get to do it again in another city.

What advice would you give to someone looking to advance in their career?

Staying abreast of new developments and technologies in your industry and welcoming change.

If there is anything else you would like to share, feel free to do so.

“Know me for what I do, but love me for who I am, because what I do, does not make me who I am.”